Thursday, May 22, 2008


Got well and truly smashed at training last Tuesday! Nhials is really back in the groove tapping me with a very strong armbar from guard and nice choke when I was turtled! Klaus was Klaus and gave it to me and Sam was his usual squashing self! So I left training feeling defeated but not broken! An arm bar defence hit me in the forehead as I was driving home which I had clearly forgotten... I'm getting caught in guard a lot so I'm keen to rectify this. I've realised that I've had my hands in the wrong spot when posturing and after having a chat with Dave, I tried a couple of different things on Tuesday that really improved my game. Just gotta turn it up a bit now....

Tried to upload some Vic Championship fights on to youtube last night but it took to long so i'll have another crack tonight! From memory there's one of me, Dave, Rick, Klaus, Marco, Nhials (I think) and Jeroen so I'll hopefully have them up tonight.

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