Last Saturday's training was fantastic. Jeroen taught us three escapes from armbar and Dave organised for Dave BERRY to come down and put us through our paces for the second hour or so. The armbar escapes were straight forward and made a lot of sense to me. I particularly liked the 3rd one where you grab your own bicep then catch the leg as it's coming over your head and stack.
Dave BERRY certainly lived up to the odd comment that Dave or Jeroen have made over my time at Extreme about him. What a great guy... Exremely down to earth and one of the few people that I have met who have a particular aura about them that says, "don't f*%#k with my shit!!!" but in a nice way....
Got this snippet from the Zen Do Kai web site.
"Well we tried just about everything to develop realism with this newly added dimension of safety, at one point we all wore 'Kendo Gu' (i.e. head and body armour) but Dave Berry used to cheat in the clinches and spin his opponents 'men' (i.e. head gear) around sideways they couldn't see, thus more broken body parts."
What I learnt from the session with him was:
1. The fundamentals of a good stance and his circle concept of balance.
2. You don't have to load up every punch.
3. Punch straight to the head and not to the side when drilling so that you get used to catching a punch and in turn get used to actually getting hit (minimises the head lift and flinch reaction)
4. Look at the chest rather than the face.
5. The punch you don't see is the one that knocks you out.
6. Left hook. Don't bend my arm in and fist leads shoulder.
7. Speed and technique = power
Thanks Dave for organising for Dave to come down and hopefully he'll come down more and impart more of his knock about common sense knowledge on us!!!!
I'm not overly keen on point 3 part B, the bit about getting punched.
Dave Berry was a f.....g arrogant & stuck up WANKER!!! As weak as PISS, actually!!!
Nothing more weak as piss than an anonymous insult of an absolute ripper bloke and a true legend
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